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The Knight-Ridder News Service carried a news story about PoolWizard that was picked up by newspapers all over the country including the Washington Post, San Jose Mercury News, Honolulu Advertiser and the Atlanta Constitution, to name a few. We were so pleased with what the reporter had to say about our program we wanted to share it with you.
Pool Wizard does almost everything but swim
Harold Glicken
Knight-Ridder News Services
Our first home, a modest starter, had a kidney shaped pool that required more work than a thousand lawns. When we moved in we drained it, painted it, filled it and spent most of our waking hours vacuuming it for dirt and four different kinds of algae. We spent hours in the pool shop learning about total alkalinity, ph and the value of shocking the pool occasionally. Once, in July, we even took a swim in it.If only we had had Pool Wizard for Windows – it takes the guesswork out of pool maintenance.Installation is simple and fast from one disk. You’re asked whether you have a child pool, above ground pool, small, medium or large pool, and what kind of surface or liner, filter and backwash valve. These choices are saved, and you’re at a main menu, complete with caricatures of Mr. and Mrs. Pool Owner.
The main menu gives you choices of chemical maintenance, physical maintenance, troubleshooting, pool glossary and a chance to change your original settings, should you acquire another pool.
Chemical maintenance has always been a challage, but with PoolWizard, you need only enter the readings from your pool test kit. After you’ve entered chlorine, total alkalinity, ph, tempature, calcium hardness and stabilizer readings, you’re told exactly how much of each chemical you need to add to make your pool safe and sparkling. You’re even told what to add before a party (pool-wise), and you can print your test results.
Under physical maintenance your’re told how to backwash your filter (an experience not to be missed), how to vacuum and how to change the bulb in your pool.
If your motor is screaming, you’re given troubleshooting tips, along with what to do if you have yellow, black, green or brown algae.
About all PoolWizard won’t do is handle the physical labor involved in keeping up a pool. But its ability to track chemical history and its advice and troubleshooting guide may save you a service call and pay for itself the first time you use it.
Install Guide
PoolWizard installs with an easy step-by-step process that will completely customize the program to help you maintain your swimming pool water and equipment.
The PoolWizard is customized for your pool.
Pick your pool type and your equipment!

With-in seconds of installing PoolWizard you will find that maintaining your swimming pool both chemically and mechanically has now become a simple push-button procedure.